An Explanation:

Weasel McPuppy is a real dog, and the posts below are real letters sent from her to celebrities via snail mail. A self-addressed stamped envelope was included with each letter to encourage a reply. If and when Weasel receives a response, the post will be updated with the full correspondence.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

To Danny DeVito

Dear Mr. DeVito,

I think you are one of the most dedicated and persistent people in Hollywood, because it isn't easy to get drunk on Limoncello. Your young co-stars on It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia could learn a lot from your stick-to-itiveness.

Your friend,

Weasel McPuppy

P.S. - I hear you are now marketing your own brand of Premium Limoncello. If Dale Carnegie was still alive, he'd have to update his "when fate hands you a lemon" quote.

P.P.S. - I've enclosed my picture. Please send me your picture, and maybe some of your Premium Limoncello.