An Explanation:

Weasel McPuppy is a real dog, and the posts below are real letters sent from her to celebrities via snail mail. A self-addressed stamped envelope was included with each letter to encourage a reply. If and when Weasel receives a response, the post will be updated with the full correspondence.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

To Garry Trudeau

Dear Mr. Trudeau,

Your comic strip is more insightful than anything found on the editorial pages of the newspaper, but it doesn't lend itself very well to merchandising. Maybe you should add a cute animal sidekick.

Your friend,

Weasel McPuppy

P.S. - I hear Maltese doggies are very cute. You could even name the character Weasel if you wanna.

P.P.S. - I've enclosed my picture. Please send me your picture; or a drawing would be just as good.