An Explanation:

Weasel McPuppy is a real dog, and the posts below are real letters sent from her to celebrities via snail mail. A self-addressed stamped envelope was included with each letter to encourage a reply. If and when Weasel receives a response, the post will be updated with the full correspondence.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

To Sid Caesar

Dear Mr. Caesar,

I like it when you speak double-talk in foreign dialects. It's almost as funny as when the President speaks double-talk in English... almost.

Your friend,

Weasel McPuppy

P.S. - If you want to top our chief executive, maybe you should try triple-talk.

P.P.S. - I've enclosed my picture. Please send me your picture. You can sign it in double-writing if you wanna.


Michael K said...

I hope you are catching the PBS series "Pioneers of Television". It seems like it would be right up your alley.

Weasel McPuppy said...

I've been TiVoing it. It's nice that there is something new on during the writer's strike, even if it's new old stuff.

edP said...

Writer's strike?